Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Resolution for 2012.

My resolution for this year was pretty simple.  I wanted to start a blog.  I used to "blog" a lot back in the days of the dinosaur, a.k.a. Myspace.  It always seemed very therapeutic for me to sit down and write about things that were going on in my life.  When everyone made the switch from Myspace to Facebook, writing a "note" just didn't appeal to me that much.  I'm not sure why, considering it's basically the same thing.  But I stopped writing a lot of stuff down.  Then life happened full throttle for a while, and I really didn't see that I would have the time to write a blog.  A few friends of mine recently started their own and I thought that maybe I needed to get on board too.  I have a lot of stuff floating around in this head of mine.   I'm not really sure what the emphasis of my blog will be.  (But knowing me, there's sure to be food involved somewhere--because I LOVE to cook--and eat!)  I suppose I'm just testing the waters for now and seeing where my place will be in "blog world".  As I was sitting outside today, waiting for the school bus and Josh, I kept trying to decide what to name my blog.  And for whatever reason, the Bon Jovi song popped into my head.  I'm not really a huge Bon Jovi fan, but it totally made sense.  It is MY life. It's now or never....I ain't gonna live forever.  I just wanna live while I'm alive.  And that pretty much sums it up for me.  We're never guaranteed tomorrow.  We have to hit at what life throws at us.  (And trust me....sometimes life throws us a huge freakin' sucker punch.)  And with a little love, lots of laughs, and pure determination, I can for sure say that I will continue to live my life for ME, and the way I want it.

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